Well, I've made it facebook official, so now I suppose it's time for me to make it blog official:)
Ken, Fenix, and I will be expanding our little family come May. Yup, that's right! We're pregnant! (Well, actually I'm pregnant, but you knew what I meant:) And, we are ecstatic! There honestly are no words to describe this feeling or how excited we are. I really feel like we're ready. This is our time. Even though we've just been married three years, I feel like we've waited a while for this...and patiently too (for the most part:). We wanted to wait until the right moment. It's still really hard to believe. In fact, when I look at the 12 week ultrasound, it's still almost unbelievable. There's a baby in my belly! Who would have known?! It's crazy to think there's a living thing in there. I'm sure it will be a bit more believable when I start to show, or possibly I'll spend my entire pregnancy in a state of awe.
I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and the baby should arrive sometime around the 12th of May. Already this baby has perfect instincts and is waiting (well, planning to wait), until after ISATs. Then, I should have the entire summer with him or her.
Ken and I went in 7 weeks ago to have out first ultrasound and then a week and a half ago I went in on Thursday to have a test done that involved the ultrasound (had I not had the test done, we would have had to wait until 20 weeks to see our little poppy seed...err...lemon, again. Each week there's a new food that the size of our baby is compared to, and right now I think we're at the lemon stage). The first picture of the baby is just a little blurb, so it was amazing to see the baby at 12 weeks. It actually looks like a baby! And, it was moving like crazy! On the Friday following the ultrasound, Ken and I went to my doctor's appointment, where we met the doctor finally (who I love), and we got to hear our baby's heart beat! We saw it on the first ultrasound, but nothing could compare to actually hearing it. The minute she located it, Ken and I were grinning like crazy. I think that has been my favorite moment so far.
I feel really grateful that Ken and I were able to get pregnant this time round. We gave ourselves a very small window of opportunity, so I can't help but wonder if we have someone pulling for us upstairs:) I'm really excited to be embarking on this journey with Ken. It means a lot to me that we're bringing a life into this world, especially after losing my mom. I couldn't imagine traveling through this experience with anyone other than Ken. I'm already confident we'll make good parents, because I feel like we've done a really good job on working together as parents to Fenix.
We had names picked out going into this experience, but at this point, there are no guarantees. We've enjoyed looking into other possibilities and I think at this point we're pretty undecided as far as names go (especially in the boy department.) We should find out the sex RIGHT before Christmas and we're really looking forward to sharing whether it's a boy or girl with our family on Christmas Day, especially Fenix, who is pulling for a girl. I'll be happy with either. At some point I'd like to have a girl, because I'd like to have the same relationship with my daughter that my mother had with me. But this time round, I really don't know that I have a preference. I'm just so excited for him or her to get here!