Ken and I went into the doctor this past Wednesday for my 20 week appointment and it looks like we'll be welcoming a little girl into our family come May:) We are psyched! Fenix was really hoping for a girl and to be honest, I secretly (and sometimes not so secretly:) was really hoping for one too. However, I know we would have been just as happy with a boy. I actually was expecting a boy, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was a girl. Below is a the latest ultrasound picture. She was being somewhat difficult and spent most of the ultrasound curled up, which means we will be going back in a month for another ultrasound. I also attached a picture of my growing belly (at 20 weeks) and the slice of cheesecake that Chile's gave us (we went out to eat with my sister and the kids after the ultrasound) to celebrate our new addition.