Monday, June 20, 2011

One Month Old! (O.K. So Maybe We're Passed the One Month Mark. Oh Well:)

Now, I don't have much time to post this (Grace is sleeping), but I wanted to get this picture up on here before Grace hit the two month mark:

At this point she's really 6 weeks and a day:) You'll have to excuse me for being cliche here, but she really is growing up too fast! Already I'm dreading August and having to put her in daycare. Just the other day I went to put one of her "newborn" outfits on her and it no longer fit. Instead it was more like a belly shirt on her. I have very mixed emotions about this. On one hand, I look forward to her being more interactive (not to mention she has a lot of really cute 0-3 month clothes that she's slowly starting to fit into), and then on the other hand, I'd just like her to stay a newborn forever. Although possibly with Mom getting more sleep:) In truth, she has gotten so much better about sleeping at night (knock on wood). She still wakes up every three hours to eat, but she falls asleep right after, which is nice. We were going through a period there where Grace was confused and thought 2 a.m. was the most ideal time to be up and about. I'm crossing my fingers that blogging about this, doesn't jinx us:)

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About Me

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In a paragraph...I am a mom, wife, step-mom, teacher, daughter, sister, and friend. I am a believer, a daydreamer, a memory keeper, and an avid reader. I love teenagers, animals, bad reality t.v., coffee, and wine. I value my family, my career, my students, and my faith. And, as a warning...I most likely will be horrible at updating this:)