Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bah Humbug!

Today has been one of those days.

I attempted to take photos of Grace on the portable floor I bought, but she was having none of it.

Our horribly tempered min pin ran across out laptop this summer and knocked two keys off. It really hasn't made much of a difference at all because there has been a little plastic thingy to press on instead of a key. Somehow the plastic thingy has gone missing...never to return, and so now pressing the I key is actually somewhat of a labor.

It's three and I feel like I've accomplished nothing but becoming cranky.

I need to change my perspective...or something. Or possibly invest in some Riesling (it just took me 15 seconds just to type the word because of our missing I key...15 seconds again...)

I is in a lot of words by the way.

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About Me

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In a paragraph...I am a mom, wife, step-mom, teacher, daughter, sister, and friend. I am a believer, a daydreamer, a memory keeper, and an avid reader. I love teenagers, animals, bad reality t.v., coffee, and wine. I value my family, my career, my students, and my faith. And, as a warning...I most likely will be horrible at updating this:)